if you watch tv, then you must get a dvr. it is imperative that you stop what you are doing right now, and get up and obtain one of these fabulous devices.
gosh and by golly, we have had one for at least three years now, and i aint talking about that tivo shit!!!! tivo is evil, and expensive. get one from your cable company, or like us, direct tv, you can even buy your own now.
anyway, i watch more tv than i ever have in my life! this may sound bad, but i assure you, it is not.
with the dvr, you get to speed past, and i mean SPEED past commercials, opening & closing credits, dead space and other shit you dont want to watch. it is especially handy for food network.
but what really rocks is that you can record things you maybe would watch and keep them for a rainy day. also, it is wonderful for sports. while i watch more tv than ever, i spend less time in front of the tv.
it is particularly valuable late night, when tv really sucks it. now, even more valuable is the Video On Demand feature which allows you to download almost any fucking thing that has been on tv and watch it at your leisure.
during the really weird time that you are watching the tv live, the rewind function rocks for that line you missed while your bedmate farted and you had to deal with the odor problem, just hit one button and it will jump back like 30 seconds each time. then you can catch up during one of those bastard commercials.
the cost from your tv provider is about 5 bucks a month, way cheaper and less invasive than those tivo fuckers. you may not know, but tivo requires that you hook up an internet or phone cord to your box. and the price is ridonkulous.
i guess soon i will buy my own to see what that is like, in any event, if you dont like commercials, get a dvr.