stop the madness
a martini is gin and a breeze of vermouth.
for the love of whatever you hold holy stop "tini"izing drinks.
i just heard about a pumpkintini. what the fuck people? just cut it out. if you dont have the balls to drink a martini, then drink the candiassshit you want but have the gumption to not try to glamorize yourself.
you can read about the martini here
you'll note from wikipedia the comment about offending martini purists. to be sure, i am not one. i drink scotch neat and when i drink gin, i drink gin on the rocks like my dad, like a man. i am just sick to death about all these tinifuck drinks. some of them dont even have gin, in fact most of them dont.
the vodka martini is ok. not because of bond, but because it is calling itself out as what it is and it has been around for a real long time.
admittedly there are not many y-chromosomes participating in the recent charade, but the younger bucks are not getting a history. i was in a bar when a gallant chap ordered a martini and the fucking bartender said "what kind". this is sad, escpecially from a purveyor.
pretty soon there will be an orangetini which will be vodka and orange juice.
wait for it.