Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
pinching a loaf

i dont know when i made it an art. probably about 15 years ago, when i started putting on the poundage.
started out going in front, lifting up the sack and pulling through. now i reach around and dig it clean.
always a roller, no bunching. dreaded fear of finger popping through a hole in the bunch, rolling much safer.
it is difficult to remember when i did not use wipes, until i am caught without them, which is rare. now i always have them close.
probably law school. the drinking was followed by bloody tp. not soaking or copious amounts, just the sort of abraised kinda streaky blood. nonetheless is did not sit well. thus began utilizing wet tp and with a gingerly touch.
for the heavy flow days, ass pads were brought in. usually the generic circular pads soaked in witch hazel. after regular tp (once again, rolled, not bunched) a nice, cool cleansing pad of cotton and witch hazel.
then, i was in the grocery store, and there it was. a little white box. it said "flushable". it was one of those days that change your life.
look, we all shit. you shit your ass off at times. i shit about twice a day. when alcohol is consumed the night before, maybe three, four or five times the next day. all of that wiping causes abrasion. if you dont wipe, you get skid marks. so you wipe, abrade and endure the pain and blood.
wipes take that away. they gloriously, easily and most pleasurably remove the feces from your anus and flabby area in a way that the dry stuff cant touch.
my system now is thus: roll up tp and go in for the main removal of debris. depending on how that feels and looks, and yes, everyone looks at the wipe, just fucking admit it asshole. if you attempt to say you dont look at your wipes, then you have skidmarks you fucking stinkpot-loser.
anyway, maybe a second tp is needed. then, go in with the wipe. cool, damp, clean smooth...and more. fold it over and use it again to mop up with and you are done.
because of this, the witch hazel pads are not needed much anymore, but if they are, then you take one and jam it in your sphincter and squeeze that fluid into your ass and keep it there while it shuts all your capillaries down there down. sometimes pulling out that ass pad kinda feels good, sort of like relief.
anyway, thats pinching a loaf. go get some wipes. you have to use them fast or some brands will disintigrate during a wipe and that is not fun. thinking ahead, pull a few wipes out of the box and put them in a sandwich ziplock. you can carry this around with you on your person, or stash it in the car or at work. i have boxes everywhere, in every bathroom, in the car, at work, in my traveling bags and gym bag, in my locker at the fitness club i never go to, at my parents house, hidden so they dont get all used up, my parents have since joined the fun, but i use my own anyway. when i'm there.
UPDATE 11.30.09: new stuff. take witch hazel and dump some of it in the wipes tub. instant medicated pads, but ones you wipe with. i keep a tub away from the dumper and have sharpied "danger" on it to alert anyone unfamiliar.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
cheap hdmi cables
go online. i got 5, 10ft hdmi cables for 10 bucks including shipping on ebay.
just go there right now if you dont believe me. so what if you have to wait a few days. it burns me to see "sales" on one 6ft hdmi cable for $19.99. i saw a 25ft one for $69!!!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
realtors part two
there you will see that such-and-such realtor recently passed a course in how to be a fucking realtor. cudos to you assfucker! you got your name in the paper. you can now feel proud about your announcing to the public that you have no other talent or ability to make money with other than leading a car to a house that has been put on a fucking list!
jesus mary and joseph. i pick out our local paper from the wastepaperbasket next to the loo and read the back page about how this ugly person (go here) has just completed a course that only "38,000 other people passed in our nation".
here's more crap: why the fuck do we have to see these retards faces on signs and billboards?!?!? its no coincidence that these retards are ugly, but cant some friend or family member tell them they might get more business if people did not have to look at them?
man, i remember seeing this weasel ladys face all over new smyrna beach. on benches, billboards, lawn signs, menus, ads and holy crap did she hit the tease and makeup way way way too much even for the eighties. so much so that if i met that bitch i would have blurted out about how fucking ugly she is like "your that fugly whore i see plastered all over".
we need to be vocal here. i notice the brainiacs that push insurance are getting in the act of having to see their mugshots on billboards and ads. what vanity. please start telling that loser friend or family member of yours that is a realtor or insurance salesman to stop the insanity of having to look at peoples faces that want our money for not really doing any work.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
make people go to welfare stores
there is a problem when taxes are distributed in a manner which allows those unfortunate persons the buy pop-tarts and soda.
more and more i hit the grocery store and there is a morbidly-obese, fugly human that supposedly has two x chromosomes wearing sweatpants and buying a ton of food which is not appropriate for a person that can act as ballast for a small tugboat.
this alleged homo sapien may or may not have young children in tow that looked malnourished and in reality probably are on several levels.
in any event, easy solution, instead of letting these people who qualify for assistance choose what to ingest, let us folks paying for it choose for them.
give them their own grocery store, stocked with the awesomeness that is good food. make them prepare the food instead of heating it up. cooking might be some of the only exercise these people get and we know they will be eating better cuz we wont stock the shelves with fucking high-fructose corn syrup.
Monday, November 23, 2009
scrapbooking is clearly for losers and is evil
if you spend time making anything to enhance pictures, then you are are less than me while i blog. at least i am not spending money blogging.
just think of what 2billion dollars could do for society. not just the world, america, cuz you know they arent scrapbooking in jamaica.
and dont tell me its a hobby. its useless and simply an evil plan to make money off of losers.
a scrapbook is properly done by taping or glueing a photo to a piece of paper in a book.
you dont need yarn or superfluous blather, just the picture.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
cooking + patience = wickedness
as you may know, slow is much better for us homo sapiens in almost every aspect of our life: sex, exercise, eating. our hurried, self-imposed lifestyle of fast food and glory holes is killing us.
if you have the nuts to cook, or if you are about to become normal, then seriously consider cooking whatever meat you want slowly, and at a low temp, say 200 or 250 max.
i just did a stew in the crock pot: chuck, pound of carrots, four potatoes, vegetable juice, onion powder, beef bouillon. crusted up the meat, then crocked it for 18 hours.
stuff tasted like gold.
same with ribs, dont fuck around with a gas grill unless it is one made for barbecueing. use charcoal even then for a better flavor. anyway, indirect heat for 5-6 hours and you can knock the meat off the rib with your tongue.
ham or other big pieces of flesh on grill indirectly or over, slow, baste it, and reap big rewards.
pop some root vegetables in at the same time, squash, sweet potatoes, rutabagas, turnips, all will benefit from low and slow.
Friday, November 20, 2009
jim gaffigan is a hotpocket-eatin-bowling-bacon-guzzling hilarious nutbag
this guy has to get his due. he is all over the place, stand-up, sitcoms, film, law & orders, but he is so fucking funny at standup and unlike me, he doesnt go blue.
the young kids love this guy, and so do i, we need more of him
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
baja fish tacos at long john silvers
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
are you chinese?
after ordering we went next door to the dollar store to roam while the food is made.
on our way back, crack says to me "i like that chinese boy jason". "you have to be careful" i said, "he might not be chinese, you should say asian instead". there was no reply.
as i reached for my wallet, i saw crack out of the corner of my eye go behind the counter and heard "are you chinese?" "yes, well, half".
crack came from behind the counter beaming and nodded, "he's chinese...well, half chinese".
this story is not told because its cute or anything, its just the balls of children. the unknown and the quest to know knows no patience. crack went straight to the source...and it wasnt a wrong question, and from his mouth, quite an innocent one.
so when does it fuck up for us later in life? why cant we just talk like kids. we certainly act like them.
mystery google
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
buying a loaf of bread
thing is, i was at most 6 years old. at six years old i walked a block up the hill with a dollar in my hand, crossed the street at the corner of dudley ave. and main st., went into the acme, got two loaves of white sandwich bread (not wonder) got change, and went home with the bread. i recall each loaf costing 25 cents.
i can not fathom any six-year-old doing that now. i remember feeling pretty proud about it.
now we dont even have anything close for my kids to walk to. i barely let my 10-year-old daughter buy something at a convenience store while i am in the car.
it was an acme, then a loblaws, then a great american (all grocery stores) and now it is a dollar store.
ok then
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
meals together
eating alone is boring. it is eating with others where derive so much pleasure. the talking, the sharing, the notion that i am important enough to have someone else agree to eat with me.
if you eat alone, then you suck it. you might live alone, but it doesnt mean you have to eat alone.
and better than just eating, is preparing.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
this version is the hottest and i had to put it up. i have been playing it in my vehicles for months
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
it's on with alexa chung

one hour live, every day, m-th on MTV at noon. i dvr it and whizz past the mindless trash-teen shits she has to put up with.
she is a brit, and brings a very different spin on celebs and shit and listening to her language is quite refreshing

Monday, September 7, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
matisyahu-"one day" in studio
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
realtors fucking shove it up your ass and are a blight
i know most realtors dont even know what secondary eduction is let alone have one, but really, if you are a realtor, its because you suck at anything else so at least pump up what you are selling instead of your stupid head.
maybe its because most realtors are single/divorced and you are trying to hook up?
i saw our local paper for the first time in a few weeks and was looking at the listing pages and at least one-third to one-half of the space was realtor heads, and in the newspaper it looks like shit anyway!!!! all that space could have been describing more of a property, or more properties. or, heaven forbid, bigger pictures of the property you do have instead of trying to decipher what a house looks like in a photo the size of a postage stamp in newsprint. some house photos were smaller than the retarded headshots.
despite whatever jackass selling seminar you went to in tampa and cheated on your spouse at telling you "you sell yourself", no! say no to this shit. break the cycle of realtors being assfucking liars and monkey-wrenches in the cogs of a transaction.
sell the property. brass tacks, not who you are. dont talk someone into a house, your job is to find what the buyer wants/likes, not convince them to take any specific house just because you have the listing.
and what the fuck are realtors doing at closings?!?!?! i can tell you: picking up the check and interjecting useless information that sometimes causes consternation because of the lack of a high school degree in common sense. a good realtor is beating the bushes for a client or for the next client, not sitting on their fat butt waiting at the end for a check.
take note you uneducated mindless fucks: soon your "job" will be gone. your national organization is already losing control of the MLS and soon as more technically savvy kids realize it, the interweb will be the place to buy.
suck on it you bastards.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
momofuku ssam bar- the bo ssam
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009

usually very good weather. lots of people, lots of stuff to do. take some time off and head to saratoga, even if it is not racing, but the track makes it all the better.
at the track you can look at the swells, dressed in their finest fine, attempt to show why they are better. act drunk and veer their way and watch them scurry. look at all the people betting on the horses. look at all the families having fun while mom & dad blow the kids tuitions.
theres a nathans inside. and a sushi tent with awesome sushi. sundays you get giveaways. oger is there.
after, head to siros for some soft-shell & oysters, then cab it downtown and watch the kids line up for their favorite bar.
hit 9 maple and get some good scotch in you.
the bars close at 4, so drink until you need a doughboy and stumble back to your room.
then get up and do it again.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
cool for cats
From the rocks above the pass
The cowboys take positions
In the bushes and the grass
The squaw is with the corporal
She is tied against the tree
She doesnt mind the language
Its the beating she dont need
She lets loose all the horses
When the corporal is asleep
And he wakes to find the fires dead
And arrows in his hats
And davy crockett rides around
And says its cool for cats
The sweeneys doing ninety
cos theyve got the word to go
They get a gang of villains
In a shed up at heathrow
Theyre counting out the fivers
When the handcuffs lock again
In and out of wandsworth
With the numbers on their names
Its funny how their missus
Always look the bleeding same
And meanwhile at the station
Theres a couple of likely lads
Who swear like hows your father
And theyre very cool for cats
Theyre cool for cats
To change the mood a little
Ive been posing down the pub
On seeing my reflection
Im looking slightly rough
I fancy this, I fancy that
I wanna be so flash
I give a little muscle
And I spend a little cash
But all I get is bitter and a nasty little rash
And by the time Im sober
Ive forgotten what Ive had
And evrybody tells me that its cool to be a cat
Cool for cats
Shake up at the disco
And I think Ive got a pull
I ask her lots of questions
And she hangs on to the wall
I kiss her for the first time
And then I take her home
Im invited in for coffee
And I give the dog a bone
She likes to go to discos
But shes never on her own
I said Ill see you later
And I give her some old chat
But its not like that on the tv
When its cool for cats
Its cool for cats
listen to it here
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Kill the headlights and put it in neutral
Stock car flamin' with a loser and the cruise control
Baby's in Reno with the vitamin D
Got a couple of couches asleep on the love seat
Someone keeps sayin' I'm insane to complain
About a shotgun wedding and a stain on my shirt
Don't believe everything that you breathe
You get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve
So shave your face with some mace in the dark
Savin' all your food stamps and burnin' down the trailer park
Yo cut it
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
Double-barrel buckshot
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?
Forces of evil in a bozo nightmare
banned all the music with a phony gas chamber
Cos one's got a weasel and the other's got a flag
One's got on the pole shove the other in a bag
With the rerun shows and the cocaine nose job
The daytime crap of a folksinger slob
He hung himself with a guitar string
Slab of turkey neck and it's hangin' from a pigeon wing
You can't write if you can't relate
Trade the cash for the beef for the body for the hate
And my time is a piece of wax fallin' on a termite
Who's chokin' on the splinters
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
Get crazy with the cheeze whiz
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
Drive-by body pierce
Yo bring it on down
I'm a driver, I'm a winner
Things are gonna change, I can feel it
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?
I can't believe you!
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?
Sprechen sie deutsche, baby
Know what I'm saying?
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
watch o'reilly bury himself
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
10 bucks the lieutenant is gay
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
we have one cool president
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
olivia munn post link
Posted using ShareThis
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
after making love we hear footsteps
listen to him read it here
Sunday, May 3, 2009
top films/comedy
monty python & the holy grail
animal house
blazing saddles
dr. strangelove
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
radiohead 15 steps
How come I end up where I went wrong
Won't take my eyes off the ball again
You reel me out when and you cut the string.
How come I end up where I started
How come I end up where I went wrong
Won't take my eyes off the ball again
You cut me in and reel the string
You used to be alright
What happened?
Did the cat get your tongue
Did your string come undone
One by one
One by one
It comes to us all
It's as soft as your pillow
You used to be alright
What happened?
Etcetera Etcetera
Fetch for whatever
Fifteen steps
Then a sheer drop
How come I end up where I started?
How can I end up where I belong?
Won't take my eyes off the ball again
You reel me out when and you cut the string
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
top films/war
apocalypse now
full metal jacket
paths of glory
saving private ryan
schindler's list
Sunday, April 12, 2009
momofuku saam bar
there are no reservations so we approached the door and a sign informed us that they were in a private party until 5. it was 4, so we fired up a couple bolivars and walked around union square for an hour.
at five, we walked in. small place. maybe 15 seats at the bar and ten tables. the party was still cooking at the back two larger tables.
we sat at the bar. about four or five hot 20-somethings roaming around. we really wanted the BoSaam and were told, after a lengthy wait, that none existed. i think they did not want to serve it to just two of us, but we easily would have eaten it.
so from the two sided 4 1/4 x 11 inch landscaped menu we ordered:
dozen beau soleil oysters(CAN) w/kimchi consomme $30
-i usually only deal with bluepoints, but this was quite tasty with the consomme
meacham country ham (sturgis, KY) $11
-southern prosciutto, exquisite, soft and salty
charred squid salad-ginger scallion, mizuna $14
-squid was so soft
spicy pork sausage & rice cakes-chinese broccoli, crispy shallots $18
-unreal, could not get enough, i wanted more, decent heat
long island duck-dijon spaetzle, brussels sprouts, 5 spoke cheddar $29
-phenomenal, a wicked mouthful of flavor
drank root beer, i forget what kind, but it was a regional one.
now, imagine eating this and listening to 5:15 by the who. it was awesome!!!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
octomom is a freak
the whacked-out-lady writing the letter is as fucked as octomom. she does not realize octomom has a problem, like she does not realize her own problem.
take the blinders off anyone who thinks octomom did this for any other reason than attention.
Monday, February 16, 2009
rush limbaugh
to find out just what kind of a person he is and what type of rhetoric he uses, simply apply most of his statements about the new obama administration to the fucknuts that got us where we are today.
it is hilarious. i do not listen to him as a rule, but when the sports talk both go to commercial i hit one down to see how is still trying to hold on to idiots.
just listened to him the other day and he was blaming obama for what he has done and saying that he was ruining "our way of life".
huh, is that what the total fucking moron that can even raise dough for his library was doing for the past eight years and flush only jumped off the bandwagon in 08!
nice work if you can get it and man are there idiots out there letting him get it.
best plan, do not talk about flush limbaugh. i know it is hypocritical because of this post, but hopefully he will overdose soon cuz you know he is still addicted.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
wicked meat loaf
small onion, chopped wicked fine
two cloves garlic chopped wicked fine
2/3 cup of those new half town cracker half pretzel
1/3 cup milk
pound ground beef
pound ground pork
2 large eggs and one egg yolk
2 teaspoons mustard
2 teaspoons worcestershire
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
buttload of finely chopped parsley
salt & pepper
cook onions until almost carmelized over medium heat, about 5 to 10 minutes, you must hover over to make sure they dont burn. then toss garlic in and stir till you smell garlic. then take onions & garlic out of pan into a bowl.
crush crackerpretzel until really fine, mix with milk, beef, pork, eggs, mustard worcestershire, thyme, parsley, and as much salt & pepper as you think a normal person could stand.
now mash that shit up good. in the recipe they took some of the above ingredients and whizzed them in a food processor. if you are into the processor, then have at it, but i hate cleaning the thing. but the recipe pointed out the reason most meatloafs fall apart is because the meat is in too large chunks. i have to say they were quite right. when i did this, i mashed the christ out of the mixture and the texture was unreal like i never made before.
ok, now, dont use a meatloaf pan. form the loaf on a cookie sheet lined with foil, make sure the sheet has edges to catch the fat. put the sheet on the top rack in the oven and broil on high until the top is browned and i mean browned good. should be enough time to
quickly make a glaze:
1 cup ketchup
1/4 packed brown sugar, how come you look so good!
2 1/2 tablespoons cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon hotsauce
whisk that shit up over medium heat until sugar dissolves and the stuff is a little thick.
keep track of your loaf. once browned, slide out and paint it with the glaze all over and back on top rack and brown up that glaze for about two minutes.
then, move sheet down to middle rack and paint your loaf with remaining glaze. bake at 350 until it hits 160 on your handy themometer, about 40 to 45 minutes. then pull your meat out and let it rest for at least 20 minutes.
people will freak.
Monday, January 19, 2009
paula creamer

if ever there was a reason to watch the lpga, it is paula creamer. along with many of the new faces in womens golf, paula has brought something that has been missing...a feminine touch, pink, or maybe it is basically a golfer you would drill. in any event, she is smoking hot.

the other thing is her persona. she is not stuffy, or bitchy like that webb freak from down under. she takes everything in stride, always smiling and talking with the gallery.
she can golf to boot!!! she is not the only golfer making watching the lpga easier to watch, but i think she is one of the biggest reasons.

Friday, January 16, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
ghetto defendant

sing it with me: da da da da duh, da da da da duh
Do the worm on the Accropolis
Slamdance the Cosmopolis
Enlighten the populace
Hungry darkness of living
Who will thirst in the pit?----Hooked in metropolis
She spent a lifetime deciding
How to run from it----addicts of metropolis
Once fate had a witness And the years seemed like friends
girlfriendsHer babies can dream
But dreams begin like the end----shot into eternity
Methadone Kitty----Iron serenity----
Ghetto defendant----It is heroin pity
Not tear gas nor baton charge
That stops you taking the city----strung out committee
Walled out of the city Clubbed down from uptown
Sprayed pest from the nest Run out to Barrio Town
the guards are itchy Forced to watch at the feast
Then sweep up the night Flipped pieces of coin
broken bottles Exchanged for birthright
grafted in a jiffy----Strung out committee----
Sitting pretty----Graphed in a jiffy
No pity, pretty The ghetto prince of gutter poets
Was bounced out of the room
Jean Arthur Rimbaud By the bodyguards of greed
For disturbing the tomb
1873 His words like flamethrowers Paris commune
Burnt the ghettos in their chests
His face was painted whiter And he was laid to rest
died in Marseille
Buried in Charlevill
Shut up Soap floods oil in water All churn in the wake
On the great ship of progress The crew can't find the brake
Klaxons are blaring The admiral snores command
Submarines boil in oceans
While the armies fight with suns
-The Clash & Allen Ginsberg
listen to it here