the last chapters dealt with his cocaine addiction and gameplay of gta4.
sprinkled between were descriptions of meetings he had with various game developers like bleszinski, molyneux and others along with short bios. really they were magazine pieces.
the inside flap of the book describes the effort as "an impassioned defense of this (video games) assailed and misunderstood art form". what a crock of shit.
the dude is a weeze!
he glossed over completely first person shooters, multiplayer, sports and racing games.
i think he mentioned halo twice, spent perhaps half a page on the call of duty franchise and totally ignored pc gamers.
every few pages i said to myself "this guy is a weeze". the sub-title of the book is "why video games matter". well, he didnt tell us. not even close.
the most myopic view of video games ever contained in 183 small pages. one look at the back flap and you see the guy in his v-neck argyle sweater and i should have known he was not a true gamer.
he plays alone.
dont waste your time