look, this is simple, if you pay money to eat at the olive garden, red lobster, houlihans, tgif or whatever it is called, cracker barrel, or any of the assfucking chains which purport to deliver a cultural experience, then you are an asshole.
much of their food is so over-prepared and bland, but you eat it anyway. many of these places receive the food you eat in frozen bags. the kitchen is composed of massive vats of boiling water that these plastic bags are dropped in and heated up. then the mass in side is dumped on a hot plate and brought out for your useless carcass to consume.
this is not to suggest all restaurants, and even all chains suck it like you do, but you know the ones i am talking about. you can start with the ones that advertise on tv. let us take olive garden. it purports to be an italian restaurant. admit it jackass, you go there. i know because if you are reading this, you have some intelligence and make money and are lazy and go there. "oh, we just go for the wonderful soup salad and breadsticks" oh fuck you and eat a bag of shit and die.
jesus mary and fucking joseph the olive garden comes out with so many "new" italian dishes each week. rolotini, sumptuous flour rolled around a mash of vegetables. and those ads with all those people so fucking happy, laughing and making fake retarded statements people never say. while i have not ever been there, i bet when you go you never see all those people really fucking happy and passing around their plates in some orgiastic pleasure of shitty food.
patronize the local restaurant! keep your money in your community. eat fresh food, it exists in your neighborhood. if you develop a relationship with a restaurant, you will get even better food and service. how can you develop a relationship with the revolving door of personnel at one of these chains?
gloriously with this recession, people dont have the dough to allow these chains to survive. good riddance to bad rubbish.
resist corporate dominance over your life and eat local.
click here for eatlocal.net