you cant blame the codger for trying to sap out what he can from the worst president to ever hold office, i mean there still is a small number of people who actually believe he has done well. might as well snap up those that are completely fucked in the head, a vote is a vote.
it might not really be an upset if this geriatric fellow wins. all you clueless fucks who voted for killing tens of thousands of people over the past 8 years might feel that you were fooled, but not this time and thats because you fucked up so bad, maybe you will try to make your party right again by putting in the oldest dude ever!!! i would not put it past any single one of you total fucking morons that validated our failing economy and standing in the world community. you fell right into rove's plan. you are a lemming afraid of death. so why follow the constitution? who needs our rights of privacy? surely not a law abiding citizen like yourself who has their head up their ass and voted for a TOTAL FUCKING MORON WHO CAN NOT EVEN SPEAK OUR LANGUAGE PROPERLY twice!!!
hey, you only have yourself to blame. you voted for this group of people who could care less about human life. you are to blame for this crisis, not me, i was calling him a total fucking moron before he got the nomination the first time. i would have lost money cuz i did not think that buttfuck could win, but you proved me wrong republicans, you proved me wrong.
republicans truly are stupid, stupid fucks, and will not learn because they are so fucking stupid. rove knows this, now you have read it, but you wont believe it, so if you voted for bush twice, fuck you asshole and i hope you die.