it is quite simple. how do you, a person so afraid of dying that you believe so easily in a supreme being, justify going to mass? or if it is another religion you believe in, how do you justify bowing 5 times a day or chopping off portions of sexual organs? you get the point.
in all major tonics for the masses, there seems to be a unifying trait in love and treating each other with respect, and an afterlife of some sort...and ritual.
lets toss out that afterlife shit for right now. keep the love shit. we are left with ritual.
where do these rituals come from? they come from man. men, not women, men. some old dudes in your respective religion made these rituals up a long fucking time ago. like before you had any ancestors. back further than the mormons can trace. and these wicked old rituals you are following today.
since i am most familiar with the teachings of "jesus" i will use him:
do you think, if jesus was alive today, and he dropped in on a saturday, got drunk on some wine, toked the weed a little and then hit the hay, do you think that on sunday, when you said "jesus (not talking to him, but the exclamation) we are late for mass", and you bolted around the house and woke jesus (him) up and said "lets go christ" would he go? no fucking way. he would roll over and say "meet you there", which of course he would cuz he can just warp over there after he could sleep for another 15 minutes.
and when you all sat down, the music started playing the dirge like march that is the soundtrack to all white religion, then you stood up, then sat down, then stood up, then sat down then stood up, then sat down, then kneeled then stood up, then kneeled, then stood up and processed, then kneeled down, then sat, then stood up and left, dont you think he would say "what the fuck are you people doing"?
christ would be pretty pissed that you were doing all this to him and his father. christ would say "get the fuck out of here and love one another". "dont waste your time chanting and doing really pitiful aerobic exercise in my name". "if you want to get together, then have some fun, accomplish something, but dont worship me".
the son of god would be pretty embarrassed this all was done for him and his dad. wouldnt you be embarassed? really, wouldnt you? would you allow it to go on. if you woke up one day and people were chanting, singing in dirge-like fashion, trying to figure out how to sit in those fucking benches, and giving money to an organization that supports the molestation of children in your name(see image above), would you let it go on?
no, you wouldnt.