if you attend concerts, you are familiar with this brand of youth. in short, they point their fingers in the air to the beat.
some of them will fist pound the air, some will do other things, all thrust the arm in the air in a rhythmic manner. when you get them close together, it becomes a sea of finger pointers, sort of cool, UNLESS THEY ARE BLOCKING YOUR FUCKING VIEW OF THE ARTISTS YOU HAVE PAID TO SEE ONSTAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont have a problem with the occasional finger point, but these assholes who seem to be feeling that somehow they are a part of the performance are the ones which begin the annoyance.
most finger pointers are singing lyrics and feel that the finger point, in some way, instructs the artist who wrote the music and lyrics and is now singing them, that these lyrics and the music are correct and the finger pointer is attempting to communicate with the artist and the crowd to say "yes, you have written music and lyrics, and you are now performing them in a correct manner with which i agree".
time and again you will see the hefty, drunk guy incessantly salute every half-beat for about three songs before he realizes that his arm has fallen off. truly, the best friend of an offended-non-finger-pointer is time. in time, all finger pointers get tired, so at least by the end of the concert, and even for encores, the fingerpointers are done.
there are variations on the finger point. most common is the index finger and pinky pointed up in the air with the middle finger and ring finger tucked into the palm. the thumb is a variable here....tucked in to the palm you get the "hook-em-horns" thing and straight out you get the sign language formation of "i love you". either one is equally retarded in the setting. next is the fist, then peace sign, which brings us to............
the uber finger pointer. always a female. most frequently a chubby one and not really all that attractive. this person will rely most on the finger point, but will contort the hand(s) in may different shapes in some sort of hindu/yoga/"i am a complete retard who has hand motions which only i can understand" way.
this person is clearly an egotistic fuck who screams for attention. getting two hands and arms into the act as well and goofy body movements which may be some sort of adaption of a walrus mating ritual they saw on the nature channel. if you are behind this person and close, it will ruin the concert. i suggest halls eucylptus lozenges. suck em for a while and toss it into her hair. after trying to get the third one out she will move.
why these assfuckers drive me to blog about them is confounding to me. you cant just say "dont look at her" because she is right in front of you and you have to look past her to see the performers. if she is just to the right or left, the arms and hands rolling around in the air cant be ignored. of course they do this with their eyes closed because of the intense hate every other eye has for the bitch she does not want to see.
at the last concert, the whores boyfriend would not sit with her because of her gyrations. good for you buddy, put a bag on her head too!
you need to say something to these fucks. tell them they are bothering you. go get an usher and ask them to tell her to stop it. your neighbors will join in and hopefully she will go away, not just stop, but go away. have the usher check her ticket stub. most of these assholes can't afford good seats so she probably is scamming the seat anyway and you are doing everyone a favor. you will get cudos from your neighbors, i assure a spliff will pass your way.
finally, urge venues to have "finger pointing sections only". this will force all finger pointers to suffer what normal people do. they will see how retarded it is and complain. it also will allow free viewing cuz as soon as some jackass finger points in a non-finger pointing section, you can get them bounced.
stand up for your right to enjoy a concert without an asshole ruining it for you and the rest of us.