people wearing hats these days are out of fucking control. at a really hot & humid outdoor concert i swear it was this exact chick here in this photo wearing a knit fucking hat. what a fucking retard!!! clearly she was wearing it as a fashion statement, it wasnt like she had cancer or anything, but apparently she was afflicted with not having any fashion sense.
then there is the cabbie hat, initially favored by latin-community women and now co-opted by scores of really, really fucking retarded people. how does any human being feel that this thing on their head makes them attractive?
it is not like the hats pictured below have any utilitarian use at all. the decor comes from some warped variation of a sailing hat or something. these things look really, really, really stupid on anyone.

unless the dude in the hat below has four square yards of dreadlocks crammed in the back and is token on a spliff, any person wearing the hat below must be shot. i need to know what possess people to wear this shit. cant one of you assholes who wear these goofy hats let me know why? i am begging you.

dollars to doughnuts no one responds.
you need to call these assholes on this chapeau pax.