easy to watch.
food network has this formula, more or less, for every cooking program:
first thing -in less than a minute- tell & show what recipies are being made. you can stop here when you dont like the food, so dvr all the programs you want and then burn through the food you dont want to make.
it sort of does not matter who is giving you this information, unless it is that emeril fuck. jesus is he annoying, no wonder his presence has been diminished.
bobby flay rocks on that channel. i think almost eveyrone else does not rock. that pseudo italian chick is going to flame out soon thank god. paula dean is getting old, and not just old looking.
the network seems to be phasing in new people with no hoopla and seeing how it plays out.
they could save a shitload of money just narrating a cooking show. i dont need to hear about how they ate brussel sprouts as a child or burned their hand on a hot artichoke, just give me directions to the food. maybe some tips, a little history.
i guess i forgot about alton brown, his stuff rocks too.