Saturday, March 1, 2008

are you a loser?

the easy answer is yes. simply because you are reading this you jackass!

winners dont read loser things like blogs, we write them for losers like you to read and say things like "yeah" or "this guy is fucked in the head" or "wow, i really am a loser".

thats right, i am a winner. i dont read blogs, good lord, with all the good things to surf what do i care about how someone else thinks? or what someone does? i have my own life which is far more superior and exciting to yours, especially if you are going to blog about it.

if someone take the time to blog about what they do or what is happening with their family, then their life truly must suck. to not have anything better to do (read sex) than blog (that includes sex with yourself) for losers to read about losers is the epitome of suck.

its like that letter at xmas time summarizing all the cute things that happened in the year. now it happens everyfuckingdayeveryfuckingdayeveryfuckingdayoverandoverandoverandover. it is suck-loserdom cubed.

take for instance last night when my pet ape started projectile vomiting on the suede curtain sash made out of papier-maiche. i said to gretchen "jesus that reminds me when gary slydecker masturbated to kenny chesny". we both laughed and reminded ourselves that children are the future of the cosmopolis.

see how bad that last paragraph sucked it?!?!!? taste the truth, for i serve it daily.